How to Stop Inner Cheek Biting: Tips and Techniques


Dr. Aditi Rathod Chougule

Dr. Aditi Rathod Chougule


Specialised in Aesthetic Dentistry

Morsicatio Buccarum, otherwise called inner cheek biting, is an ordinary practice that may cause discomfort, sores, and even infections. This can be a result of anxiety, stress, or just being unconscious. In case you are having trouble with this habit, below are some practical ways and tips to help you quit biting the inside of your cheeks.

Understanding Inner Cheek Biting

To better tackle the problem at hand, one needs to know what makes a person develop such bad habits. There are two types of morsicatio buccarum –accidental and habitual.

1. Accidental Biting: This usually occurs when eating or talking and then accidentally biting inside of your cheek. Mouth malocclusion or dental issues might increase incidents like these.

2. Habitual Biting: This can also be described as a psychological problem where someone engages in self-mutilation by repetitively chewing the inside of cheeks due to anxiety, tension, or sometimes plain idleness. Eventually, this develops into a reflex act.

Consequences of morsicatio buccarum

At first glance, chewing the inside of cheeks may appear insignificant, but can result in several complications: 

Sores and Ulcers: Repeated chewing can cause painful sores and ulcers within the mouth.

Infections: Mouths that are open sores will lead to bacterial infections.

Tissue Damage: Persistent chewing can result in prolonged damage occurring within the soft tissues situated in the cheeks.

Dental Problems: If it is very severe, it can cause dental problems, such as misalignments.

Tips and Techniques to Stop Inner Cheek Biting

Recognize what causes it. The first step in stopping biting of cheek is to identify the triggers responsible for this habit. Note down in a diary when you experience self-inflicted wounds on your cheek from time to time, and using this information, try to identify any patterns or specific situations that make you resort to biting your cheek. These consist of stress, boredom, anxiety, or particular activities such as studying or watching TV.

Be Mindful

Mindfulness is a powerful technique that helps bring attention to the present moment, making you more aware of your actions. Practicing mindfulness can help one recognize when they are about to bite their cheek, thereby enabling them to stop it at that point. Deep breathing, meditation, and body scanning can improve one’s mindfulness.

Dealing with Stress

Because stress and anxiety are common triggers for biting lips, among other habits of biting of cheek, finding effective ways to manage these feelings can minimize the behaviour. Some strategies for relieving stress may include:

Physical Exercise: It aids in reducing stress levels and increasing general mood.

Yoga and Meditation: The two practices are helpful in relaxing the mind and reducing anxiety levels.

Hobbies: Involvement in activities that give pleasure acts as a good way of reducing tension.

Therapy: Getting guidance from mental health professionals who will offer techniques on how to deal with both stress and anxiety effectively.

Chewing Gum or Using a Chewable Substitute

A less harmful alternative to cheek biting can be highly effective. To keep your mouth busy and avoid biting down on your cheeks, chew sugar-free gum or use some silicone chew that you can gnaw.

Behavioural Therapy

This syndrome may be explained by cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). A therapist will assist you in changing this behaviour. CBT often includes the identification of negative thought patterns and replacing them with more positive ones, as well as learning new coping skills.

Dental Check-Up

If there are frequent cases of accidental biting inside of the cheek, it could be due to teeth that are aligned incorrectly or bite issues. Going to a dentist can help diagnose and solve these problems. Misalignment may be treated using orthodontic methods such as braces or aligners, which also reduce the chances of accidental bites.


You need a mouthguard, especially at night, to prevent biting of the cheek. Dentists make custom-made mouthguards that fit comfortably, thus reducing the risk of cheek biting.

Stay Moistened

Chewing and swallowing water will help with dry mouth, which could contribute to biting inside of your cheek. You can also suck on sugar-free candies or chew ice chips to keep your mouth wet.

Clean Diet

Also, avoid salty or sour foods to neutralize mouth sores and reduce chafing. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals, especially B vitamins, can boost oral health and help stop clenching down on one’s cheek while biting.

Routine Oral Cleaning

A clean mouth prevents infections and assists in healing any existing sores. Brush at least two times each day, including flossing, and use an antiseptic toothpaste to ensure good oral hygiene.


A person can stop this habit of accidentally biting the inside of cheek, but it would not be easy to do away with it altogether without having a strategy in place. Identifying triggers, mindfulness exercises, stress reduction techniques, and professional assistance when necessary are all critical steps in overcoming it.

Moreover, oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist may help to prevent and treat such problems as those related to teeth in order to decrease the intensity of cheek-biting incidents and enhance general dental health and vitality; adhere to these suggestions and keep in mind that it will be possible for one to quit any addiction only through practice over a long period if you need to, find comfort with individuals from within your circle who understand you when things are not going well. If only there was determination as well as appropriate.

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