How to get rid of white spots on teeth


Dr. Aditi Rathod Chougule

Dr. Aditi Rathod Chougule


Specialised in Aesthetic Dentistry

White spots on teeth can be embarrassing and a constant reminder of poor dental health. Sometimes, these spots are rather large and conspicuous. White patches can be caused by numerous reasons, including excessive fluoride staining, poor oral hygiene, or several medical conditions. Learning about the causes, prevention, and treatment of white dots in teeth is the best way to keep your teeth healthy and confident.

Causes of White Spots on Teeth

  1. Enamel Hypoplasia: This is a condition in which the enamel, the hard outer layer of teeth, doesn’t develop normally. It can be caused by malnutrition, high fevers while teeth are developing, and certain medications taken by a mother while pregnant or by a child during their early years.
  2. Fluorosis: Too much fluoride during tooth formation causes fluorosis, which results in fluoride marks on teeth or streaks on the enamel. Fluoride marks on teeth are more likely to occur in children who take fluoride supplements, drink water with a high fluoride level, or use an excessive amount of fluoride toothpaste.
  3. Poor Oral Hygiene: Lack of sufficient dental care, especially for a person wearing braces, can lead to the buildup of plaque and bacteria, which will cause demineralization, where the minerals in the enamel are lost, leading to white spots.
  4. Dietary Factors: Consumption of sugary and acidic foods is one of the main causes of patches of white on teeth. These spots promote bacterial growth, leading to acid production and enamel erosion.
  5. Dry Mouth: Again, reduced saliva production increases the risk of white spots. Saliva neutralizes acids and rinses away food particles and bacteria.

Preventing teeth with white patches

To keep white spots from forming, it is essential to maintain excellent oral hygiene and be aware of your fluoride exposure. Here are some tips:

  1. Proper Brushing and Flossing: Use fluoride toothpaste to brush your teeth at least twice a day, and floss every day. Doing so helps remove plaque and prevent demineralization.
  2. Regular Dental Check-ups: See your dentist on a regular basis for examinations and cleanings. Professional cleanings can remove plaque and tartar that you might miss during your daily brushing routine.
  3. Monitor Fluoride Intake: Make sure children use only a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste and teach them not to swallow but to spit it out. Know the fluoride content in your drinking water. Avoid unnecessarily fluoridated supplements.
  4. Healthy Diet: Avoid or limit sugary and acidic foods and drinks. opt for a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and dairy products, which provide our teeth with the necessary nutrients to stay healthy.
  5. Stay hydrated. Drink water to keep your mouth moist and encourage saliva production. You can also try chewing sugar-free gum, which will help stimulate saliva.

Ways to Manage white dot in teeth

Those who have white teeth marks can apply several intervention methods to minimize them or even eliminate them. The selection of treatment depends on the degree of severity and the cause of the condition.

Remineralization: This method involves replacing the lost elements in the enamel. Some examples of these products include toothpaste or mouth rinses containing fluoride, calcium, and phosphate. Your dentist may provide such minerals at higher concentrations through professional treatments.

Microabrasion: A procedure under cosmetic dentistry involving scraping off some layer of enamel, dimming down patches of white on teeth. It is less invasive and often combined with remineralization for better results.

Teeth Whitening: Professional teeth whitening can help make most whites appear excellent. However, one must seek medical advice before going for any kind of bleaching since there are patients who cannot use this procedure.

Veneers or Bonding: In severe cases, dental bonding or veneers may sometimes be offered to established dentists’ patients. Porcelain or composite resin veneers are placed over the front of your teeth, whereas tooth-colour resin is applied on the affected parts in bonding. Both options hide teeth with white patches and enhance the appearance of teeth as a whole.

Icon Infiltration: This new technique can be done using minimal methods that infuse special resins into white spots. This resin (infiltrant) permeates enamel, filling demineralized areas, which significantly reduces the visibility of the teeth white marks itself. It works best against teeth with white patches caused by fluorosis or initial decay.


Appearance of white dots in teeth is generally a cosmetic concern, but understanding the underlying causes and exploring appropriate treatments can help you get a brighter and more confident smile. People need to ensure that they maintain good oral hygiene, regulate their fluoride uptake, and go for check-ups regularly in order to prevent or deal with such cases. 

The dentist should be consulted if one has questions about these abnormalities on their incisors; he will recommend the best remedies to follow for your situation. Take proper care of them and go through relevant treatment so as to have your teeth look beautiful again, hence a happy face that shows healthiness.

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